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Update from Sam Goh

Coming into Year Three of COVID-19, we are reminded of Psalm 22:27-28, “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations. Psalm 22 reminds us that God wants us to cry out to Him in our difficulties. In those moments of anguish, we absolutely must press in more.  

Since we were last back in Singapore in January 2020, life has been significantly impacted by COVID-19 and continues to be impacted by COVID-19. The challenges have been unrelenting as we deal with uncertainty, though it is at these times that we learn to look upon God as the only certainty. We are thankful for your prayers that we have been able to keep in good health and serve here. Psalm 100:5, reminds us that His faithfulness and truth endure forever! Despite circumstances and difficulties, He remains good and in control. We have learned to press into this truth over the past two years.

We continue to deal with local policy that changes almost daily – what we know to be true today may no longer be accurate next week. For now, its daily PCR COVID-19 testing. It has been challenging running school under these circumstances. COVID-19 has significantly accelerated the rate of change worldwide, but we put our trust and hope in the unchanging one, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. As Psalm 119:105 reminds us, ‘‘your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path’’. We are also reminded that His grace is sufficient for us. We need His grace for just the next step as we comply with local regulations, which are continually evolving. 

During our time in Yantai, we have seen his faithfulness to the school and our staff. God has also, provided for our needs, with school enrolment more than doubling. We have also been privileged to share His truth and love with the students and parents here in our daily interactions. For example, in one of my classes, the students asked what my thoughts were about life after death. Another student asked me why I chose to come to China. Yet another student mentioned that he felt a difference around the school because of our teachers, compared to other schools he had been to. These are teachable moments that we must be sensitive to. 

We have witnessed what God is doing in this land during this season, and we are very grateful for that. However, in our next season, we sense a need to be home and are making plans to come back. Please keep us in prayer as we transit back home and for the work here in Yantai to continue growing.  


Samuel, Shirley, Emmanuel and Esther

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