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Elder Eleazar & Pearl Ee

Beyond doubt, we’re now in the endtimes, and we’re thrilled that the Lord has given us another year in His land. Both of us have sensed that this will be a new season, and we look forward to the New Year (Nisan) with keen anticipation. This corresponds to 16 March in the Gregorian calendar.

Priorities and Focus

Rosh Chodesh continues to be a “look forward to” event in the local calendar, well attended by both Messianic Jews and Gentiles. However, it is beginning to take its toll on our ageing bodies. Our prayer here is for the Lord to send reinforcement to help in logistics support areas.


Eleazar’s arm and shoulder problem has necessitated in the scaling down of our involvement at the City of David Prayer Centre from twice weekly to once. For the past quarter, we’ve requested for leave of absence pending a medical review for Eleazar.


A continuing feature of our ministry here have been to impart the Lord’s heart for Israel to visiting groups from Asia. These are done through co-operation with ElViZion (Singapore) and smaller groups through personal contacts.


Since our move to Israel in 2013, our perception of Israel being the focal point of God’s endtime agenda has shifted appreciably. The changes are born through scriptural revelations. Though difficult to share sometimes, these have been instrumental in His leading us to focus on Judea and Samaria.

Lev HaOlam

Judea and Samaria have taken centrestage this past year through our involvement with Lev HaOlam. We were instrumental in getting a documentary produced for airing on Christian TV in Korea, essentially penetrating the local Christian market with information on Judea and Samaria and Lev HaOlam.


A golden opportunity also arose for Eleazar to share in Jerusalem, with a large group of Christian visitors from the top five cities in China, on Lev HaOlam. The response from the 100+ group was extremely encouraging, culminated in a Lev HaOlam Chinese website to be created to cater for subscriptions from China.

The most significant development was to touch base with the pioneers living in the hilltops of Samaria. At the onset of winter, we donated warm clothing and did a mini fundraising campaign to help them through the harsh climate.


In the pipeline is a plan to bring Lev HaOlam founder Nati Rom to Singapore. Christians in Singapore would benefit from hearing his heart for His people and His land. We are presently seeking His leading for this.


A big thank you for your fervent and faithful prayers for us; we are always mindful that there is a team that is standing faithfully with us and for us. We are never alone as we walk through new doors our good Lord opens for us.


As always, please continue to pray for discernment (to the Lord’s leading) and the spiritual and physical energy to respond wholeheartedly. May He alone receive all the glory.


Much love from us.


Ma’ale Adumim


7 Feb 2018

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